Articles by Jeremy Hance

Jeremy Hance is a senior correspondent for Mongabay as well as being a blogger for the Guardian and a freelance journalist. He started his journalism career with Mongabay in 2009 and served as an editor on the site for six years. In 2010, Mongabay published a book of his articles entitled Life is Good: Conservation in an Age of Mass Extinction. He lives in St. Paul, Minnesota with his wife, his daughter, his miniature schnauzer and lots and lots of books.

Scienziati: se non agiamo siamo fregati

Veduta aerea della famigerata miniera d’oro Rio Huaypetue nell’Amazzonia del Perù. Questa miniera d’oro remota ma enorme è rinomata per la distruzione della foresta pluviale primaria, per il diffuso inquinamento…